Populating a Bamboo Grouper Instance

The following instructions assume that there is a Bamboo instance of Grouper installed, configured and running but with no Bamboo-specific content yet defined. The result of these instructions will be a fully populated base instance of Grouper for use by Bamboo projects.

Create the Bamboo folder and group tree

(1)  Log into the Bamboo Grouper UI (<base URL>/grouper/) as GROUPER_UI_SUPER_USER

(2) Create the Bamboo folder immediately under "Root" in the Grouper UI

For the folder id field, use UUIDs generated by the site at http://www.famkruithof.net/uuid/uuidgen. Generate 10-15 at a time if you are going to be creating several folders or groups. Select "Version 4. Random" as the type. Then copy/paste successive UUIDs into the folder id and group id fields in the Grouper UI. These become the globally unique ids for the folders and groups.

Enter a description for the folder as indicated in the screen shot. Do this for each folder and group you create.

Since you clicked "Save and work in new folder" you will now be inside the root:bamboo folder and ready to create additional folders and groups as needed.

(3) Create the rest of the basic Bamboo Grouper folder and group tree

The bamboo:admin folder:

Within the bamboo:admin folder, create

An apps folder, with description "Bamboo application categories"

Within the apps folder, create a group

The group name should be "bambooTrustFederation" and the description should be "Applications with full membership in the Bamboo Trust Federation". remember to provide a UUID in the group id field. Click "Save" when all the fields are entered.

Go back up one level to the apps folder and create a second group. The name should be "innovationLicensed" and the description should be "Applications in the Innovator License category".

Go back up two levels to the admin folder and create another folder. The name should be "memberships" and the description should be "Bamboo Membership Categories"

Inside the memberships folder, create five groups:

memberIndividualsIndividuals who are Members
memberInstitutionsInstitutional Members
affiliateIndividualsIndividuals who are Affiliates
affiliateInstitutionsInstitutions that are Affiliate Members
tcpPageImageSubscribersSubscribers to Text Creation Partnership Page Images

Back at the admin folder, create a third folder named "roles" with description "Bamboo-wide Roles".

Create four groups inside the roles folder:

bspServerAdminsBSP Server Admin Role
grouperAdminAppsApplications providing Grouper-related Services for Project Bamboo
qaTestersQA Tester Role
reAdminsResearch Environment Admin Role

Navigate back to the bamboo folder and create two more folders within it:

groupsBamboo Researcher-managed Groups
projectsBamboo Projects

Go to the projects folder and create a project folder within it named  "accountLinkingService", description "Account Linking Service Project". Within that new folder create an associated application group, name "accountLinkingApp", description "Application Group for Account Linking Application".

Create four more project folders within the projects folder and within them their corresponding application groups.

folderaccountServiceTestAccount Service Test Project
groupaccountServiceTestAppApplication Group for Account Service Test Application
folderbspTestBamboo Service Platform Test Project
groupbspTestAppBamboo Service Platform Test Application
foldersraTestSelf Registration Application Project
groupsraTestAppSelf Registration Application
foldervoronoiGeneratorVoronoi Polygon Generator Project
groupvoronoiGeneratorAppVoronoi Polygon Generator Application

This step completes the creation of the basic Bamboo Grouper framework.